Get Deals on Scale Accessories with Exclusive R/C's "Black Monday" Sale

By: Tim Gluth
Exclusive R/C has offered up holiday savings on all of their in-stock accessories with a unique sale. Between now and Monday, November 26, 2018, you can save 30% on your ERC accessory purchase and you'll also receive discount coupons for future purchases:
We appreciate 100% of your loyalty and support, with that said we are doing our very own 10,20,30,40 Sale! ALL purchases on ALL Exclusive-RC product in stock will be 30% off until Monday! With your purchase you get a $10 off coupon, 20% off your next purchase, and $40 off your purchase of $200 or more.
To activate this discount, use coupon code BLACKMONDAY during checkout. Visit for complete sale details.
Image credit: Exclusive R/C