's RC Groups $500 Prize Giveaway

By: Tim Gluth

The folks at are in the giving mood and want to celebrate their love of R/C with members of the forum. If you've recently purchased an item from Gearbest's US warehouse, you could enter to win one of three quadcopters. Here are the details:

Hi Everyone in RC groups! To show our gratitude for your support, Gearbest is now starting a giveaway exclusively for our Rc groups members! We will give total $500 prize away in this event!

There are 2 ways to participate, you can do it either way or both ways:

1. From 2015/10/19, if you buy any RC Aircraft/Car from our US warehouse , you can go to “My Order” on your Gearbest account and screen shot your order and leave it here as a comment on this thread.

We will randomly select and announce winners at 02:00 on 2015/10/26 (GMT)! (with Supervision of Administrator of RC Groups). We will contact with the winners through Private Message.

Here are the Awards!!!:
First Prize: Cx-20 Quadcopter (for 1 winner)

Second Prize: 2 Syma X8C VentureQuadcopters (for 2 winners)

Third Prize: 3 CX-10 Mini Quadcopters (for 3 winners)


Learn more about this contest at

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