FreqEsKinz "Primer Series" R/C Body Wraps

By: Tim Gluth

Times sure have changed. Not long ago, the only way to fully customize the body of A radio-controlled vehicle was to break out the polycarbonate paint rattle cans or airbrush kit and get to work. While that method is still available, there are a number of other methods you can use, including wrap decals.

FreqEsKinz has been evolving their lineup of R/C body decals and wraps, with a new series available for those that want their trail rig to have a “work in progress” look when out on the trail. Following the release of their “Rust Bucket” series, their latest release is the “Primer Series”, giving the effect of primer paint sprayed over some (but not all) of a vehicle’s exterior.

FreqEsKinz Primer Series Deadbolt

These new decal wraps are offered with a variety of base paint colors, including Flame Red, Forrest Green, Stone White, Sienna, and more. The Primer Series Skinz are designed to work with the following models and bodies:

FreqEsKinz Primer Series Hi-Lux

Priced at $45.00 each, these decal wraps are a great way to add some character to your trail machine, without the need for spray paint and masking tape. Learn more about this new decal series at


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