Extreme Bashing with an ECX Torment [Video]

By: Tim Gluth

"You get what you paid for."  We've all said that phrase at one point or another, either to someone we know or to ourselves.  This phrase comes up often in the R/C hobby as well, as there are many opportunities to buy vehicles and parts that may not have the highest price tag.  That low-dollar appeal usually comes with a side of frustration and anger when the machine doesn't work as we'd hoped or breaks after a short period of use.

Having had experience with quite a few brands of  radio-controlled vehicle during my time in the hobby, I've come across some that have been great for my wallet (and my enjoyment) and some that I wouldn't go back to again.  If a budget-minded machine is something that's high on your list, ECX has a lineup that might interest you.  While it's easy to claim a product is durable and will withstand whatever is thrown at it, seeing that vehicle in action can help drive that point home with greater meaning.

This video from RC Overload is a perfect demonstration of an inexpensive Short Course Truck (the ECX Torment - $189.99 on Amazon.com) that holds up to a number of high-flying jumps and spectacular crashes.  While this truck doesn't carry as high a price tag as others in the SCT class, it doesn't lack in the "fun department" and is durable-enough to withstand your basic bashing experience.

If you're looking for a low-cost radio-controlled vehicle that can hold up to a little abuse, but doesn't lack in fun, take a look at the entire lineup from ECX.

Image credit: RC Overload

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