Experience Insomnia58 iSeries Drone Racing With These Videos

By: Tim Gluth

What do you get when you take a popular gaming festival and add one of the most recently-hyped forms of radio-control racing? You get a combination of lights, sound, and action that all combined to form the drone racing portion of the Insomnia58 Gaming Festival.

Partnering with the UK Drone Show, an indoor multi-rotor aircraft racing event was held at the NEC in Birmingham, UK from August 26 through the 29th. Many of the top quadcopter pilots in the world participated in the four-day event that also features some new tech tests for the sport. One of these tech pieces was a digital HD FPV system, the Connex ProSight.

On top of the talented pilots and the new technology, the indoor race course layout looked like it was ripped from the set of Tron. Featuring multiple lighted corridors, obstacles, and track elements, it looked to be a feast for the senses. In addition to the lit-up racecourse, the quadcopters themselves were also brightly lit and easy to see when whizzing around the track. Being able to see and track these racing drones has been one of my main gripes when it comes to multi-rotor racing as a sport, and the setup used at Insomnia58 helps calm some of those internal grumbles.

If you want to relive this action for yourself, take a look at these videos by Peter Gray (UK Drone Show Magazine) covering various angles of the indoor racing event.


Learn more about the Insomnia Gaming Festival and discover additional event dates that will also include drone racing.

Image credit: Multiplay

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