Examining the Chassis of the Redcat Racing Everest GEN7 Sport [Video]

By: Tim Gluth

After a trip to a local park with the Redcat Racing Everest GEN7 Sport, I noticed a few performance and handling items that I wanted to take a closer look at. As I and other Everest GEN7 owners have noticed, the steering radius on this rig isn't as tight as it could be and upon further examination, I've found the reason behind it.

When you take a closer look at the steering knuckles on the Everest GEN7, you'll notice an extended bit of plastic on the back side of this part. This is a bit unusual, as that little "nub" doesn't appear on the stock steering knuckles of other 1/10-scale R/C rigs.

This additional width serves a purpose, as it provides a buffer between the steering linkage and the front differential pumpkin. As a side-effect, however, it reduces the maximum turning radius that you can achieve. Without going into more details, I'll let the following video finish the story:

By making some small adjustments to the steering components, I believe you can turn this already-impressive trail machine into an even better performer.

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