eBay 15% Coupon - Save on R/C Models, Upgrades, and More!

By: Tim Gluth

If you've had your eye on a new R/C car, truck, plane, or simply an upgrade, check out eBay between now and 10 pm (Pacific) on Wednesday, August 8 (2018), you can save an additional 15% on your purchase. To activate the savings, simply use coupon PRONTO15.

What's unique about this coupon is that it can be used on a variety of brands, including Traxxas, Axial, Team Associated, and many others.

This discount can be used on anything on eBay, but let's face it...you're mainly interested in getting gear for your radio-controlled vehicles. The coupon can only be used once so you might want to bundle purchases if you're planning to buy multiple items.

Visit eBay and see what's available.

Image credit: eBay

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