Do you Dig New Stuff? There are Plenty of New Products on the Horizon from Pro-Line!

By: Tim Gluth

Their new product release for May should be great for fans of old-school R/C bodies.

Each new month brings the promise of new goodies from many of our beloved R/C brands. One of my personal favorites, Pro-Line, looks to have quite a few new goodies in store for their May release.

While all of the details haven't been released, and placeholder images hold our anticipation at bay, it looks like there are a number of new scaler/crawler body options slated for release, along with a scaled-down trophy truck body (or two). Oh, and there are tires. you can't forget the tires!

Pro-Line What's New - May 2020

If you haven't taken a look at the "What's New" page on recently, here's a rundown of what you can expect to see in their upcoming release:

With all of these items being loaded on their website, my fingers are crossed that we'll see complete details released soon. Until then, check out for yourself to see what they've got in store.

Image credit: Pro-Line

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