Complete Your Kit Build with Kyosho's EP Starter Pack II

By: Tim Gluth

This bundle includes all of the electronics and radio items you'd need to complete a standard R/C model kit.

Not that it ever went away, R/C kit building appears to be as popular as ever with new models being released every few months. If you've got a new kit creation on your radar (or your workbench) and parts to give it life, Kyosho has released a new electronics package to help you do just that.

Their EP Starter Pack II (#82143) offers up a collection of internal electronics and radio components to help you complete your radio-controlled car or truck project. Including a radio transmitter and receiver, steering servo, motor, and ESC, this is an easy way to get your latest project up and running with basic electronics.

What's included in the Kyosho EP Starter Pack II:

  • Radio System: KT231P+ transmitter with KR-331 receiver
  • ESC: 82245 Kyosho SpeedHouse 60A with "Super Plug" connector
  • Steering Servo: KS4081-06W servo with bushing/grommets
  • Motor: G20 20T 540-size brushed motor
  • Misc: "Super Plug" to T-type connector adapter, radio receiver bind plug/stick, and 2.4 type antenna tube.

Priced at $109.99, the EP Starter Pack II will be online and through Kyosho dealers. Visit to learn more about this R/C electronics package.

Image credit: Kyosho

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