Check Out Hemistorm RC's Axial SCX6 Trail Honcho Transformation [Video]

It's happened; I'm coming around to the appeal of large(r)-scale R/C crawlers. While I wasn't completely sold on big rigs like the SCX6 last year, I've changed my tune after seeing them up close and on the trail. Axial's latest 1/6-scale release, the SCX6 Trail Honcho has only ramped up the excitement I have for these vehicles.
While not as detailed "out-of-the-box" as it's Jeep Wrangler counterpart, the SCX6 Trail Honcho certainly has an appeal all its own. With a bit of creativity, you can transform this trail machine into a one-of-a-kind piece. Don't believe me? Check out what Hemistorm RC has done with his stock SCX6 Trail Honcho.
Using a combination of aftermarket parts, custom painting, and a heaping helping of creativity, this 1/6-scale rig has gone from plain to eye-popping.
If you liked that transformation video, check out the other SCX6 modification and overview videos that Hemistorm RC has to offer. And if you'd like to pick up an SCX6 Trail Honcho of your own, they're available to order at
Image credit: Hemistorm RC