Pro-Line is holding a Father's Day sale from June 9 - 15, 2014. You can receive an additional 10% off your order with promo code PLDAD10. Learn more at
Pro-Line is holding a Father's Day sale from June 9 - 15, 2014. You can receive an additional 10% off your order with promo code PLDAD10. Learn more at
Here a Jeep, there a Jeep, everywhere a Jeep...Jeep. That seems to be Axial's battle-cry lately as they have rolled out (yet) another Jeep body for their ever-popular SCX10 platform. Meet the Axial SCX10™ Jeep® Wrangler G6™ Falken Edition. With this being another addition to the SCX10 line, I'll spare the granular details but will point out […]
Shortly after dazzling us with their newly-released 1969 Custom Corvette RTR, the folks at Vaterra RC have shown off another new vehicle. Taking things off-road this time, they have announced a 1/10-scale Ford Fiesta Rallycross replica that's sure to excite more than a few people. With their past few on-road machines being based off of […]
It's slowly starting to look like Summer. Finally. After a long, twisting trail of trecherous Winter weather, we've reached the warmer months that signal the start to Summer. With Memorial Day one weekend away, I'm finding a few deals and offers that can save you a little money if you're looking to treat your R/C […]
As I've gotten familiar with Axial over the past year, I've noticed they like to add onto existing vehicle lines rather than create new categories. There's nothing wrong with that, in fact, Traxxas has done quite well with that approach. The nice thing about expanding off of an existing model line is that you can […]