Black Friday Savings from Hobby People

By: Tim Gluth

This may be the best time of the year to either get someone you know into the RC hobby or, at the very least, fill up your wish-list with vehicles and upgrades to fulfill your own dreams. Another well-known name in the world of radio-control, Hobby People has announced their own Black Friday sale for 2015, and from the looks of it, there are some very nice deals that you can get your hands on.

From 11/26/15 through 11/27/15, you can save a substantial amount of money on a number of RC cars, trucks, planes, and helicopters. And if you already have your fill of vehicles, they have you covered with electronics, motors, and other parts upgrades to make your current basher or racer the best it can be.

Here is a small sampling of some of their bigger discounts:

Head over to to check out their full lineup of Black Friday R/C deals.

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