Backyard Fun with the Element RC Enduro Sendero [Video]

By: Tim Gluth

My biggest summertime R/C surprise (aside from the incredibly fun Axial SCX24 Deadbolt), has been the Enduro Sendero RTR from Element RC. This rig has received plenty of praise during its rollout, and after getting my hands on one, I can see why. Smooth performance, an old-school appearance, and some unique chassis and transmission characteristics make this a solid choice for scale R/C enthusiasts of any experience level.

While I've taken this rig on a small handful of expeditions, only a few of those moments have been captured digitally. Here are some clips of this rig in action as I put it up against my now-trusty pile of firewood.

Although logs and firewood are my to-go crawling obstacle, they provide plenty of unique situations and tend to challenge crawling rigs in ways that rocks don't. Here, the behind-the-axle steering link setup of the Enduro Sendero RTR rarely encountered snags or hang-ups on some of the smaller nubs that we found on the logs.

The tires provided ample grip and the portal-less axles had plenty of clearance to get up and over whatever I put in front of this truck. In short, it was a fun little drive. To learn more about this ready-to-run trail truck, visit and be sure to check out my "First Impressions" writeup for this model.

Where to buy the Element RC Enduro Sendero RTR

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