AxialFest Badlands 2022 "Trail A" Adventure [Video]

After years of wishing, waiting, and watching from the sidelines, I finally attended an AxialFest event. AxialFest Badlands 2022 has been the highlight of my year so far (hobby-wise), and I had quite a few grand plans heading into this year's event. I was going to document, capture, and create so much content that it would make your head spin. In reality, I spent more time driving (and in some cases, fixing) my rigs and not enough recording. Still, I had a blast and wanted to share a bit of my on-trail experience.
Having brought three rigs down for my oldest son and I to drive (two RR10 Bombers and an SCX10 III Early Ford Bronco), I was given the opportunity to test drive an SCX10 III Base Camp thanks to my fellow Big Squid RC brethren, Jeremy. Not one to pass up a free ride, I set out on "Trail A" equipped with my Carry-All RC backpack, a DJI Pocket 2 camera, water, and my rig. Enjoy some of the sights and sounds from my perspective as I navigated through the first of many trails on the Badlands Off-road Park grounds.
The Base Camp blew me away with its performance and on-trail prowess. It also wowed some of the folks I was wheeling with as well. Speaking of fellow trail drivers, thanks to Anthony and Chris for letting me join their duo as we searched for adjoining trailheads ("I" and "J"). The overall experience of AxialFest is one that I won't soon forget, and I'm very much looking forward to future R/C adventures.