Axial SCX10 III Early Ford Bronco - Evening Trail Trek [Video]

By: Tim Gluth
There’s something calming about a leisurely sunset stroll. It’s even better when you have an R/C controller in hand and nothing but winding trail ahead of you. I recently took my Axial SCX10 III Early Ford Bronco out for an end-of-the-weekend trek, soaking in the sights and sounds of a local park.
The ol’ Bronco hadn’t seen much action since AxialFest Badlands, so I figured it was high time to get it out for a drive. With dried mud and memories from that early-summer event still clinging to the body, chassis, and wheels, I headed out for a few moments of zen. Here’s some of the action:
For a deeper look at and under the hood of my SCX10 III Early Ford Bronco, here’s an overview of my customizations.