AMain Hobbies is Planning Something RAD for April 8th

It looks like AMain Hobbies has something up its sleeve for Monday, April 8, 2024. In a series of email and social updates, they've been dropping hints about a new brand that will be carried through their online and (possibly) brick-and-mortar stores.
Two names have been teased for this upcoming launch, RAD Upgrades and Upgrade RC. No matter which it is, it looks to be a series of upgrades for basher-focused models. Traxxas and ARRMA are featured in some of the email teaser text, so there should be some interesting items coming, no matter what.
AMain is no stranger to house brands, so if RAD Upgrades/Upgrade RC is an extension of a home-grown solution, I'm here for it.
I'm excited to find out more about this upcoming announcement and will have more information as it's available. Learn more about RAD Upgrades/Upgrade RC at
Image credit: AMain Hobbies