A Sand-scorching Traxxas E-Revo Bash Session [Video]

By: Tim Gluth

Around this time, eight years ago, I spent quite a few nights perusing YouTube, looking for clips of radio-controlled cars and trucks to help me decide what model to purchase. Fast forward to the present day and not much has changed.

If there's one difference between then and now, it's that there are many more content creators producing videos and model highlights, including most of the major R/C brands themselves. Traxxas has been cranking out some great highlights for their many, varied models, and one of their latest is focused on the bash-ready E-Revo.

If you have yet to see this machine in action, here's a great opportunity to see this monster truck flex, spin, jump, and blast its way through sand and over jumps.

To learn more about the Traxxas E-Revo, visit your local Traxxas dealer or traxxas.com.

Image credit: Traxxas

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