A New Hero on the Trail Scene: RC4WD's 1/10 Hero Desert Runner

By: Tim Gluth

The super-scale aficionados at RC4WD have cooked up a new 1/10-scale model for fans of modern-day trucks. Based heavily on the appearance of the Ford F-150, their Hero Desert Runner is a  4-wheel drive model, available in either ready-to-run (RTR) or almost-ready-to-run (ARTR) configurations.

Featuring near-realistic 1:1 styling on both the body set and the chassis, this truck features independent front suspension and a rear solid axle, remote-lockable front and rear differentials, and a durable hard plastic body. A brushed motor powers this truck, which is capable of handling up to 3S LiPo power.

RC4WD Hero Desert Runner - Rear Top 2

The body features clear windows and windshield, a detailed grille design, opening side doors and tailgate, a trailer hitch, rear exhaust pipes, side mirrors, and much more. As far as scale body designs are concerned, the Hero is loaded.

The RTR package includes everything you need to get rolling and is priced at $549.99. The ARTR option requires you to supply a motor (20, 27, 35, 45, or 55-T), ESC, radio system (receiver and transmitter), steering servo, battery, and battery charger. This model is priced at $469.99.

RC4WD Hero Desert Runner - Bottom

If you're a fan of scale detail and modern design, this truck might be worth checking out. Learn more about the RC4WD Hero at rc4wd.com.

Image credit: RC4WD

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