2017 RECON G6: UK Edition [Videos]

By: Tim Gluth

In late May, the scale adventure series, RECON G6, rolled through the hills of Derbyshire, England. This return trip brough out scale R/C fanatics and their rigs for two days of phenomenal action and experiences.

Whether the vehicles being driven were fresh out of the box, handcrafted customs, or even new to the "scaler scene", they were all put to the test on the various courses and trails which were set up for the event.

If you were one of the participants in this  year's event or you have you're making plans to attend an upcoming RECON G6 outing, here are a selection of videos showcasing the spirit, passion, and fun of this series. As an added bonus, the new scale, trail rigs from HPI (Venture) and Traxxas (TRX-4) made appearances at this year's event.

2017 RECON G6: UK Edition Trail Action

The HPI Venture at the 2017 UK RECON G6

The Traxxas TRX-4 at the 2017 UK RECON G6

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