1993 Ford F-250 Traxxas Stampede Body from JConcepts

By: Tim Gluth

If you were waiting for more Traxxas Stampede body options from JConcepts, wait no more! Throwing it back to the early 90's, they've released a replica of Ford's 1993 F-250 pickup.

The round-ish lines on the early-90's Ford F-250 look great when mounted onto the Stampede. For those of you who want to go ultra-realistic with your monster truck build, bolt on a set of JConcepts Midwest wheels and JConcepts Rangers tires for a solid 1:1 look.

JConcepts 1993 Ford F-250 Body for the Traxxas Stampede - Side

Molded out of durable polycarbonate, this clear body mimics the lines and design of its 1:1 counterpart. In addition to the body, which features a pre-applied overspray film, the kit includes window masks and a detailed decal sheet.

This body is designed to fit most models of Traxxas Stampede, including the Bigfoot, Craniac, and Skully.

JConcepts 1993 Ford F-250 Body for the Traxxas Stampede - Rear

The JConcepts 1993 Ford F-250 body is priced at $32.30 and is available online and through your local JConcepts dealer. Visit jconcepts.net for additional details about this new body option.

Image credit: JConcepts

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