13 Questions with Adam Munds of RC Fest
With the weather warming up, there are many great opportunities to get out and enjoy this great hobby of ours. It's also the start to event and festival season and there is one amazing event that's caught my eye over the past few years. RC Fest, an annual event (in it's 4th year), is hosted by an unlikely fellow. 13 year-old Adam Munds is as passionate about the hobby as anyone, even folks two and three times his age. He's also very mature for his age. Very mature. Apart from simply using RC Fest as an opportunity to show people how amazing the radio-control hobby is (which deserves a tip of the cap in itself), he's positioned his event as a way to raise awareness for blood donations. That, my friends, is awesome.
I had an opportunity to ask Adam (and his parents Cindy and Rob) a few questions about his involvement in the hobby and what he looks to achieve with RC Fest. For those looking for a great ambassador to the hobby, your search is over.
Q&A with Adam Munds
Q: First things first, what got you into the R/C car hobby?
Well, I followed the Hall Brothers monster truck team with Raminator and Rammunition and I seen people run their r/c's at monster truck shows and when Losi came out with the mini LST Raminator replica my parents got it for me."
Q: What was your first vehicle (either hobby-grade or toy-grade)?
I had toy-grade Raminator trucks before I got my mini LST.
Q: How large is your R/C collection?
My collection has grown a lot even since last RC Fest.
Primary machines
- Traxxas E-Maxx
- Traxxas Slash 4x4
- Vaterra C.H.P Camaro (now a drifter)
- Tamiya TT-02
- ECX Revenge Type E
- Axial Scx10
- Traxxas bullet
- Four original Rc10 gold pans
- 2 Mini LST Losi Raminators
- Schumacher cat 2000
- Tamiya Hilex
- Associated TC3 GP
- Bolink pan car
- Tamiya hornet
- Royal crusher
- A nearly-completed CPE Clod Buster
- Soon to be Futaba FX-10
Q: What is your favorite vehicle and what makes it special to you?
My favorite rc has to be my brushless E-Maxx. It was my 2nd vehicle that I ever got. I wanted the E-Maxx or the Savage. I have broken almost everything on the truck so now it is pretty solid. And I saved up my money for a long time to buy my first brushless system. Which is my Mamba Monster.
Q: Now that we've got the basics out of the way, what made you decide to start an R/C event?
I started RC Fest because there was places around here that had events and I wanted to put on a bigger event for my best friend Brandon. I wanted him to have a good competition with trophies and prizes. I based my first shows off the monster truck shows we went to... Monster Nationals with George.
Q: How many years have you been hosting RC Fest?
4 years
Q: What challenges have you faced with setting up and running R/C Fest?
People don't take me seriously. Like once I was at a event and I was handing out fliers for my event and somebody didn't think those were my real sponsors. And it is hard for me to talk about my event because I don't want to brag cause I don't like it when other people brag.
Q: What is your favorite aspect of the festival?
My favorite part is seeing peoples reactions and feeling good to give my money to the blood bank since I needed platelets when I was born.
Q: How has RC Fest changed your life?
It changed my life because now I am into rc's even more...and it has helped me to make sure that other people can have their lives saved because of RC Fest. I have learned that you could be a billionaire but if you don't use your money for the right reason then you won't feel good at all...at first, I didn't know but not everybody can do what I do.
Q: How has your event opened people's eyes to the hobby?
I got people into blood donations and other people in my community to come see what R/C's can do. I try to get people from rock crawling to air to drifting to come to my show.
Q: You're focused on something greater than R/C cars with RC Fest. Can you tell me a bit about why you've chosen to promote blood donation awareness?
When I was born my mom had CMV. So I had low platelets. So it has always just been something important to me and our family. And I wanted to give back for what people did for me.
Q: And you're 13 years old, correct? I have to say, that kind of focus and drive at such a young age is amazing. My hat is off to you, not only for being an ambassador to the hobby, but also for making a difference in many people's lives. Congratulations!
13, thank you!
Q: What advice do you have for anyone that is looking to set up their own event/festival around the hobby?
Simple...don't be afraid of what you can't do. Everything is achievable. My mom and dad always said the worst they (sponsors) can say is no. And put your money towards a cause you believe in. You gotta do something in your area. Even if it's the library or scouting. What ever in your community that you want to make it better...and have fun!
The main event
This year's RC Fest is taking place on July 26 in Tolono, Illinois. If you're interested in checking things out, attendance is free and donations are greatly welcomed. Adam gives ALL proceeds to Community Blood Services of Illinois.
Learn more about RC Fest by visiting their Facebook page.
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