Thunder Tiger's Kaiser XS 1/14-scale Off-road Trail Rig

By: Tim Gluth

As summer approaches, the attention of many R/C hobbyists turns from the workbench to the outdoors. No matter what your preference of fun and adventure may be, racing, drifting, or trail-running, the hobby is best-experienced in wide-open spaces. For those of you that prefer trail-running and RECON G6-style events, but don’t have much room to roam, there have been are some new “scale” radio-controlled rigs that are a bit smaller in size, allowing you to enjoy your passion at any time, and just about anywhere.

The latest entry in this small-scale off-road rig category is the Kaiser XS from Thunder Tiger. This 1/14-scale vehicle mimics the visual body-styling of a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited and also has a number of impressive features “under the hood. Utilizing a 4-link suspension system, shaft-driven 4-wheel drive, and brushed 390 motor, this appears to follow a popular (and potent) formula that has been used by Axial and Vaterra on their SCX10 and Ascender platforms, respectively.

Don’t be fooled by the slightly-smaller size of the Kaiser XS, this has all of the makings of a well-rounded, fully-capable outdoor machine. In addition to the items mentioned above, this trail rig also comes with adjustable, threaded shocks, aluminum chassis elements, and beefy tires to help you conquer challenging terrain and obstacles.

No price has been listed for this rig, however more information can be found at I’m looking forward to learning more about this vehicle and am hopeful that the price is set at a competitive point, given the recent growth in the smaller-scale-rc market.

Image credit: Thunder Tiger

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