A Look at the History of Team Associated's RC10

No matter when you jump into the hobby, your bound to have missed out on more than a few radical machines. One of the all-time favorites in the not only the eyes of hobbyists but competitive racers has been Team Associated's RC10. With the recent re-release of the original iteration of this buggy, it's not only interesting to compare the classic model to what it has morphed into over time, but seeing the steps and mutations in-between can show just how far the hobby has come over 30 years.
If you're a hobby history buff (and you don't have every RC10 model handy to inspect and see what's changed) this video showing the visual history of this amazing machine might be right up your alley. And if you're not into nostalgia, seeing the progress in how these cars are set up is worth viewing time.
Image credit/copyright: Frank Jacksties